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Proposed programme of workshops

Please find attached a proposed programme of workshops relating to the acquisition of mediaeval craft skills...All are aimed at the beginner and form part of a broader programme of talks and events, which it is hoped will help us to gain a better understanding of the working life and environment of our villagers.

Further explanation is included in the programme - however, we know from past craft events what a practical insight they provide into times past.

I am reassured by our proposed tutors that  these crafts can be experienced in a meaningful way by any or all of us. What could possibly go wrong??

We are aware that the cost of some of the courses is quite high and we are hoping to apply for some help with the more expensive ones - but no guarantee.

Please read on and be in touch if anything is of interest.

Best wishes,


Craft Programme 2020

Craft skills - nowadays these skills are acquired and learnt mostly for enjoyment. However, for our villagers in Sutterby craft skills were a necessity of daily living. We are learning so much about our past inhabitants through their documents but we would like to develop that link with them through exploring the practical aspects of their lives.

We are hoping to run a variety of craft workshops over the next twelve months. Some are very practical and would have been routinely used within the village ; others would only have touched the lives of the most affluent.

These workshops are meant to be practical tasters, but in most cases, there will be something to take away at the end of the day. The possible workshops with their estimated cost are outlined below. This is very much a ‘chicken and egg’ scenario - we need to know how many ( if any !)people might be interested in attending before we go as far as deciding on dates and venues.

All workshops would be held locally in a selection of village halls and will run all day unless stated otherwise

Please peruse and get in touch if you would be interested in attending. Expressing an interest is just that - it does not commit you at this stage, but would help to give an idea of the potential number of students.

Finally, if there is a craft which you would like to try which is not on this list then please let us know. (We are actively investigating book binding as a possible extra treat)

Pottery with Andrew MacDonald from The Pot Shop in Lincoln

Andrew would be prepared to run either or both of the following full day Workshops. Practical pottery session - simple pot and/or Tile Painting Workshop - painting an individual tile or creating a more ambitious group mural (!) Cost to include all materials and firing finished items : £10 max ( based on 20 attendees)

Leatherworking with Laurence White

Something a Mediaeval villager would always have, and that apparently is easily attainable by a novice leather worker in a day, would be a coin purse and a belt. Max group size 10 Cost £30

Woodturning - an introduction with Lincolnshire Wolds Woodturning Association A chance to turn your hand to Woodturning and have a (supervised) session on a lathe. The wood will be provided and you will come home having made ‘something’. If you would like to attend as a spectator, you would be made welcome. Evening session 7pm - 10pm Max group size 12, plus spectators. £10 to include refreshments

Willow weaving with Alison Walling

A definite village craft. This workshop provides the opportunity to make a traditional rib/frame basket, exactly the type that our villagers would have made. A good project for a beginner. Max group size 8 Cost £40

Metal working with Andrew Poole.

A taster day learning learning how to work in metal. Learn the techniques of hammering, soldering, polishing and filing. Initially working with copper there would be the opportunity to work in silver for an extra cost. £29 ( silver extra) Max no of students 8

Extracting Pigments from Rocks & Plants

Workshop with Toni Watts. Learn a traditional skill - transforming rocks, a semi-precious stone and plants into watercolour paint. £25 Max no of students 12

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