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The Full Story
amongst her late grandfather’s papers with the seal still intact. Jenny was amazed that the letter had never been opened in all those years. She spent some time in reading and digesting its contents. On a bright September morning in 2016, Jenny arrived in the little village of Sutterby. She walked up the steep footpath to the church as Emily had done before her and marvelled at the views. She instantly understood what Emily had loved about the place. A group of people with clipboards were recording the memorial inscriptions but sadly there was no stone for Emily. Disappointed, she entered the church which was empty apart from a font and a pulpit and looked in vain for the ledger stone. She was told that when the new earthenware tiled floor was laid over ten years ago the vault was sealed with no access to it at all. She made further enquiries about Sir Drayner’s cache but found no evidence that it was ever retrieved. Ironically, his family the Massingberds, later known as Massingberd Mundy, completed their purchase of the village in 1804. She found no evidence that the family knew about the cache or if it had been secretly retrieved over the years. The sealing of the ledger stone left her wondering if the little church at Sutterby is still housing a parliamentarian arsenal and a treasure trove of silver coin. 17 Why I’m Here and Not There by Kenton Rhoades I could’a been a Brit But for Richard being last born And John being first born mal