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Coming soon....

To whet appetites and to reassure the Sutterby Horde that there will be plenty to do in 2016, herewith a taster of forthcoming events...

- Lithics Workshop with Dr Kevin Leahy. Kevin has kindly offered to run a training workshop on flints. A chance to be taught by one the country’s acknowledged experts in this area.

- ‘Fons et origo’ – the symbolic death, burial and resurrection of English font stones. A lecture by Professor David Stocker

- A stroll in a virtual mediaeval garden with Paul Day

- Tiles: history in the making. An illustrated talk by Alex Beeby

- Tiles: make your own mediaeval tile workshop with Andrew MacDonald Visit to The Old Tile Works, Barton-on-Humber

- The Lincolnshire Folk Song – an introduction to the history of the traditional folk song with Kate Witney

- Industrial Archaeology the view from the Wolds – a talk by Stewart Squires

- The drawings of Claude Nattes – a talk by Carol Bennett Universally Challenged – a project quiz night...

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