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Spirit of Sutterby - feedback survey

We would be very grateful for your help. The project has been running for some months now. We have deliberately avoided bombarding you with feedback forms. However, like all funded projects, we do need feedback, not only for our funders but also to enable us to improve your enjoyment of the project.

Your thoughts and opinions are important, whether you have attended one event, all the events or are just participating from afar.

We have designed a survey with 10 short, easy questions, which can be found at:

All you need to do is double click on the above link in blue and you will be taken straight to the survey.

If you have any difficulty, please copy and paste the link into your browser. If you still have difficulties, please ring 01790 754079 or e-mail

This is a questionnaire for everyone, so even if you share an e-mail please can all of you be kind enough to complete a separate form. Do let us know what you really think. Feedback - both positive and negative - is important to us.

Most of the questions are answered by tick boxes, but there is space for your individual comments. Be reassured that your responses are completely anonymous.

We are hoping to collate the data by the end of October, so if you could all spare 5 minutes to fill in the survey it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

With very best wishes, Spirit of Sutterby Steering Group

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